SHA realtime extension for Windows leaves little to
be desired. The ability of using individual processors as PLC system in
realtime - fully decoupled from Windows - leads to a new dimension.
Especially the highly accurate jitter performance (<10 microseconds) allows
the realization of deterministic controller and automation applications.
Each processor can be operated in realtime task-cluster as a single shot or
periodic mode, with a frequency up to 200 KHz. The realtime extension, based
on the asynchronous X-Realtime technology forms the base of all further
libraries and enables the development of applications, e.g. for the control
of hardware resources in realtime. The X-Realtime engine works without any
additional hardware under Windows and allows realtime
multitasking to 10 microseconds cycle period with the lowest jitter
performance. The X-Reatime Engine has multi-processor support, and can be
used for versatile application and driver projects. With the special Virtual
Code Mapping technology the programming can be done within the familiar
development environment (eg Visual C ++). The access to the hardware
resources can be made directly from the application level in realtime.
Whether IO port, mapped memory, timers or interrupts, all hardware resources
are accessable deterministicly (in contrary to a driver solution).
Applications in the measurement, control and transmission technology with
high data transfer rates and lowest response times are best examples for the
application of the realtime extension. Just at the critical platform - CPU
combinations of notebooks, the realtime extension shows its strengths. The
combination of three methods, depending on the platform, a jitter of less
than 10 microseconds can be achieved. On desktop platforms even a jitter of
less than 3 micro-seconds is achieved stable.
As with the 32-bit realtime engine, the 64-bit
solution also allows the complete realtime programming of resources, such as
IO-Space, MappedMemory and DMA of all PC components - both, internal hardware
(eg, legacy) and peripheral adapters (eg, PCI, PCIe, PCMCIA, etc). For the
programming of plug-and-play components, a stand-alone resource-enumerator was
developed. The programming of realtime tasks, the control of hardware
components, as well as the programming of Windows routines is done together
within the same development environment (e.g. Visual Studio), as an application
development. The data exchange between the realtime task and a Windows thread
that can be performed with common, synchronized memory areas. The software is
installed in a single operation - without complex Windows settings. The software
SYDBG for realtime control is available to get started easily with a control
system for all available processor cores, as well as with a display of status
information. In addition, this software offers the possibility of source code
debugging for realtime tasks. With the additional module for jitter analysis
SYDBG allows comprehensive monitoring of the realtime engine.
By combining three compensation
methods, reliable, depending on the platform, a jitter of less than 10
microseconds can be achieved. On desktop platforms even a jitter of less than 3
micro-seconds is achieved stable. Each processor core may be operated as a
stand-alone realtime task cluster. Although the X-Realtime Engine
requires only a very low jitter, at real-time sampling mode an additive jitter
arises due to the system. The result of the new compensation method is
absolutely amazing - here is the comparison: Without compensation is the
additive jitter of the X-real-time Engine on 20 sampling rates (2 msec update
cycle) 200 micro-sec, with a dynamic drift of about 10 micro-seconds per cycle.
With compensation of additive jitter of the X-real-time Engine on 20 sampling
rate is (2 msec update cycle) about 15 micro-seconds.